Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quick Post!

A friend helped me last week realize something that I was really not noticing. Since the death of my Mom, I've pretty much been un-steady. I haven't really been content with my life where it is now, I've thought of marriage, college, anything actually. Or I've thought to be with friends would help my problems, but it doesn't. The time is going to come when I have to come home and then return to normal life. My Mom was my anchor. She pretty much kept me grounded and focused. She was the one stable thing in my life. And now, she is gone...With help though, I've realized that I need Jesus as my anchor! He is immovable, and with him as my anchor, I can't be swayed. I'm working now to keep him number one in my life. If I keep my eyes on Him, then I know all things will work out the way they should and it will be in His will!

Here are some lyrics to My Anchor Holds...I've liked this song since the first time I heard it, but for different reasons than I like it now! :)

  1. Though the angry surges roll
    On my tempest-driven soul,
    I am peaceful, for I know,
    Wildly though the winds may blow,
    I’ve an anchor safe and sure,
    That can evermore endure.
    • Refrain:
      And it holds, my anchor holds:
      Blow your wildest, then, O gale,
      On my bark so small and frail;
      By His grace I shall not fail,
      For my anchor holds, my anchor holds.
  2. Mighty tides about me sweep,
    Perils lurk within the deep,
    Angry clouds o’ershade the sky,
    And the tempest rises high;
    Still I stand the tempest’s shock,
    For my anchor grips the rock.
  3. I can feel the anchor fast
    As I meet each sudden blast,
    And the cable, though unseen,
    Bears the heavy strain between;
    Through the storm I safely ride,
    Till the turning of the tide.
  4. Troubles almost ’whelm the soul;
    Griefs like billows o’er me roll;
    Tempters seek to lure astray;
    Storms obscure the light of day:
    But in Christ I can be bold,
    I’ve an anchor that shall hold.


Elizabeth Pruett said...

He is immovable, and we should always let him be our anchor. Thanks for the reminder!

robert said...

Thanks for your honest testimony, and for living the truth of the song, "My Anchor Holds." Today is the 95th anniversary of the death of the author, WIlliam Martin. And as he reminds us, "In Christ I can be bold." God bless.

Danielle said...

Thank you Robert.

robert said...

Me, back again, a year later. I was interested in the statement that you love William Martin's song now for different reasons than you did before.

That's often the case with our hymns--and, of course, with Scripture too. We'll be blessed by something there on one occasion. Then, some time later, our life experience will sensatize us to something else in it. God bless.