Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Picnic at the Park!

Well I have been waiting and waiting for this warm weather to hit St. Louis and it just seems like it will never get here. My uncle in CA said it's been in the 90's there and then my friends in Oklahoma are already playing with water balloons and I'm sitting here wondering what's going on with Missouri's weather. We get rain and then MORE rain and then if it's not raining, it's cloudy. :( But.....Today was an exception! Although it wasn't 90 OR water balloon weather, it was sunny outside and nice to be out in, except for the wind. (I don't do too good in wind, no details necessary) :P

Anyway, Hanah and I decided to go to the park today and have a PICNIC! We had done it one time before but we just sat at a picnic bench, this time we wanted to be "adventurous" ;) Hanah got a big blanket for us to take and we spread it out on the hill by the park and sat on it and ate our lunch.I realized it's not the greatest idea to eat your lunch IN VIEW of the playground cause instantly Hanah was full and ready to play. :) Funny how fast she ate it all though after I told her that she can't play until it's all gone! :D

(She really DID like her lunch...don't judge the facial expressions!) ;)
(My lunch....YUM!)

Okay, so after eating Hanah finally got to play so I just snapped pictures the whole time, well pretty much the whole time. A friend loaned his camera to me to use so I can get practice using the zoom lens and his type of camera before the wedding on the 31st. (I'll be using his camera during the wedding) Anyway, so I am still trying to figure out how to get clear pictures with his camera. Lots of them look very grainy for some reason.

(Alright, so I don't know these people..but with my zoom lens they never knew their pic was taken, and I thought it looked like a cute family!)
I'm really looking forward to the end of this week. Mandy and I are riding up with Angie to the Lake of the Ozarks. Every year for the past, umm...like 7 years, Mandy and I always go on this fishing trip with my Dad. It's funny because I'm not really that into fishing, but one week is okay I guess, that's my fill for the year though! ;) It's more of a time to just bond with my Dad and spend quality "fishing" time with him. :) We always would get up REAL early to go out in the boat and check the jugs and then fish all day for our bait and then in the evening go back out in the boat to set the jugs. :) It's a rather long, but fun process. :) The reward is good too, HUGE FISH! Anyway, this year is different. Mandy and I both have jobs and have to work, so my Dad packed up yesterday with Lane, so now it's a father/son fishing trip I guess. Us girls will be going just for the weekend though. I'm hoping SO much that it doesn't rain and that we MIGHT even get to jump in the lake! :) All of my family will be there on the weekend...grandparents, cousins, aunt and uncle, and then my family! I can't wait till Friday!


 The Morris Family said...

"I don't do too good in wind" :D I'm cracking up at this again! You are just too funny! :D Gotta love it!

Hmmmm, maybe I should do a post about our water ballon weather. :P


BigBro said...

Well it has been 96 here in Texas...
So you are going to get to shoot for a wedding? Are you the only photographer?
Sounds like fun any way! Hope it goes great for ya!

Danielle said...

Well actually I am the second camera for the wedding. There is no WAY I'd trust myself doing someones wedding! Ah,I'm jealous! 96 degrees!!!!!